Objective of this part:
- What is a group?
- Group management
- User management
- How to assign password to users?
- How to force user to change password on next logon?
rhcsa | user and group management
What is group?
We can say a group is a collection of users. Users are
collected together with a name and the name is group. Group is actually for
giving some specific permission.
Let us consider a group name “dba” and in this group we
have some users like oracle, user1, user2 etc.
This group dba can give some permission to users and this
is the concept of group. Hope you clear. If anything else then please feel free
to comment below
rhcsa | user and group management
Group Management
[root@reyaz ~]# cd /etc/
[root@reyaz etc]# ls -l group
-rw-rw-r-- 1 appsdba dba 1008 Feb 11 12:02 group
To open this group file and to see all group in this file
please use this below command
[root@reyaz etc]# cat group
From above picture we see a group named “dba” and there are
2 user “appsdba” and “oracle”. Please note that there is a number 1002 and it a
group ID of “dba”
Groups add:
Now we will create a group and for this I will use
the linux command “groupadd”
etc]# groupadd test1
etc]# groupadd test2
after creating group you can check them by using the previous command .Given below again.
[root@reyaz etc]# cat group
Groups delete:
Now we will delete a group and for this I will use
the linux command “groupadel”
etc]# groupdel test1
etc]# groupdel test2
rhcsa | user and group management
User Management:
At first we will see all the users are present in
this system and their storage location.
[root@reyaz ~]# cd /etc/
[root@reyaz etc]# cat passwd
Create User
We can create a user by using below command
etc]# useradd user10
But we can create a user with some attribute also. See below
etc]# useradd -u6001 -d /home/user10 -s /bin/bash user10
After creating user with some attribute you can check by using this command
[root@reyaz etc]# cat passwd
User lock:
To lock a user use below command
[root@reyaz ~]# usermod -L user1
And to unlock a user please use below command
[root@reyaz ~]# usermod -U user1
rhcsa | user and group management
How to assign password to users?
To assign a password you have to use the linux command "passwd username"
After that system will ask you to type a new password. then again you have to write your new password. Remember one thing, you can not see your password while you are typing the password. Finally you will get a successful message.
rhcsa | user and group management
How to force user to change password on next logon?
Here in this picture "0" (zero) used to force user to change the password at the first login.
Please comment your opinion and suggestion below.
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